2014 IP Graduates


May 18, 2014, IP Graduation Ceremony

Four graduates leave Iskwelahang Pilipino today and bring with them memories of Sundays filled with bonded friendships, culinary experiences and Pinoy Pride. We say Congratulations to Avigail Deking, Nolen Dube, Sierra Jamir and Julian Umali. We hope you will keep us in your hearts!

The New Rondalla Generation: Recital 2014

May 17, 2014, Bedford, MA

The sanctuary at the First Parish Church of Bedford was filled with Philippine music on a warm Saturday.in May Hosted by Elsa Christiansen-Janairo (Instructional Program Director) and the team of mentors, she introduced the beginners group called the “Hele Class”. They performed “bahay kubo” and “ako ay Pilipino”. Aside from Jaereyn Javier, the buzz was all about the performance by a mother and son duo. Agnes Quisumbing and her son Lucas Villasenor proudly strummed serious banduria side by side.  The rest of the afternoon soiree included the older classes (Korido, Talindaw and IP’s seasoned performers, the Kundiman group). It was inspiring to see many fresh talent on stage. The beat goes on at Iskwelahang Pilipino rondalla. [slideshow_deploy id=’513′]

NEFFA 2014

Mansfield, MA- at the New England Folk Festival’s (NEFFA) annual event this year, the IP children represented the Philippines with dances (salakot, bakya, tinikling and bangko) and costumes to delight of the local audience.[slideshow_deploy id=’464′]

Photos by Charlie Castro

Tea Musicale , 2014 – A HIT!

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Several unforgettable acts this year included our very own Boy Band singing a medley from Disney Dudez; a hula-hoop act; Irish Stepping to Michael Jackson’s tune; a Katy Perry duet called, ROAR; 8 princessessssssss singing Let it Go (from Frozen) as they stripped off their gloves, cape and crown, a Wizard of Oz favorite sung in Spanish, and a Gungham style soloist.

Photos by Charlie Castro and Patty Yusah